Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Frederick County Public Schools Implements Student Mental Health Care App

From The Easton Gazette:

Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? If you are a student in Frederick County, it seems all your worries, anxieties, problems, concerns, etc. can be solved with this one amazing app. Load it on your phone, log in, and track your mental attitude, emotions, etc. for every day. Now, instead of knowing how you feel, you can have that information quantified through this app. You can find "self-guided" resources on just about everything for every child at every grade level, even elementary students. Here are some of these resources:

Tools & Resources - Basecamp (basecampfcps.com)

Some of the topics seem innocuous. Sound apps for sleeping, tips for handling stress and anxiety, even how to work with ADHD may be helpful for kids. There are resources for parents as well.

One of the worst parts of the app is that a student will be given mental health surveys, tests and tools to constantly assess their mental state constantly: (Read more.)


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