Sunday, September 8, 2024

Nashville School Shooter Motive Revealed

 From Right Flank:

Trans people weren’t a part of the national dialogue until the 2020s.  Rewind to the 80s and earlier decades and such individuals were either ignored or institutionalized.  The mainstream media has since veered to the left of the political spectrum, essentially endorsing the trans movement without sufficient reason. Hale and others frustrated with their gender perceive themselves as victims.  Such victimhood leads to violence against the surrounding society. 

At this point, it should be perfectly clear to rational and logical people that the internet has warped the minds of our kids, tweens, teens and even some twentysomethings.  Developing minds in the late 90s, aughts and years after were allowed to access the internet during their formative years without sufficient supervision. (Read more.)


From Megyn Kelly:


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