Thursday, July 11, 2024

We Stand for Life

The Church does not demand that we only vote for perfect candidates. A long-time devout Catholic acquaintance warned me today that I place my soul in peril by supporting Trump. I told him that I would be afraid of endangering my soul should I do anything to help Biden win. A win for Biden is a win for infanticide, socialism, Pride and Trans agendas, open borders, increased crime, etc. Meanwhile, Trump has earned my vote by his past record, especially by appointing pro-life justices who overturned Roe. From Breitbart:

The Republican Party stands for life, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), who served as chair of the platform committee, said during an appearance on Breitbart News Daily. Blackburn addressed concerns from some of the pro-life crowd, as the list of 20 promises in the Republican Party platform did not include anything about the pro-life cause. However, Blackburn said it is absolutely mentioned in the 16-page document, assuring that the Republican Party is the party of life

.“The Republican Party is a pro-life party. It’s a pro-family party. It is always going to be that,” she said, explaining that the party platform is not an “in-depth, long form missive.” (Read more.


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