Tuesday, July 16, 2024

J.D. Vance is the Ultimate Non-Compromise Candidate

 From The National Pulse:

Drive along the banks of the Ohio River from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati and you will pass town after town of closed plants, boarded-up storefronts, EPA cleanups, and people invested in properties no longer valuable, because manufacturing has been transferred to China – under free trade agreements.


What is left behind is largely low-skilled labor, with wages driven down by the abundance of illegal migrant workers. It is a despair-inducing mess. There is an opioid epidemic. Which brings us, finally, to J.D. Vance, whom President Trump has selected to be his vice-presidential nominee. Besides Brexit and Trump, a third thing happened in June 2016. Hillbilly Elegy was published. It was a first-hand account by author J.D. Vance describing the working-class discontent in those Ohio towns. That discontent would lead to Trump’s election a few months later, when he carried the mostly Democratic, working-class states of the industrial Midwest.

Vance was not connected to Trump, and he did not write a political book. He went on to ride his notoriety into fleeting Hollywood-darling status. Ron Howard made his book into a movie. But Vance refused to play minstrel in their Hollywood’s narrative of life, and he was abandoned by the smart people. He ran for Senate in Ohio and won. He has become Trump’s most effective defender in Washington. Sen. Vance is the third leg under the June 2016 table.

Trumpism and Brexit and Hillbilly Elegy. June 2016 were weeks when decades happened. This is an election about the discontent of the Western working class against the false god Solzhenitsyn described as “Trade!” J.D. Vance is the ultimate non-compromise candidate. He focuses the 2024 election on economic matters important to Trump’s base of voters. He is a great pick. (Read more.)


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