Monday, July 22, 2024


 From Space:

Solar scientists have spotted indications that the next solar cycle is beginning. That is despite the fact that it isn't due for another six years, and the current solar cycle (Cycle 25) is still in progress. The current solar cycle is expected to reach its peak or "solar maximum" midway through 2025 when the magnetic field of our star will flip and its poles will switch. Leading up to this solar activity has been ramping up with an increase in sunspots, solar flares and eruptions of stellar plasma called coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Despite the gearing up of Cycle 25 to its peak, it looks like Cycle 26 just can't wait to tag in. The rumblings of the onset of the next 11-year-long solar cycle came in the form of "starquakes," sound waves ricocheting through the interior of the sun detected by researchers from the University of Birmingham. (Read more.)


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