Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Iran Closer to Having the Bomb

 From The Billings Gazette:

 Iran is talking more about getting a nuclear bomb and made strides in developing a key aspect of a weapon since about April, when Israel and its allies overpowered Iranian airstrikes targeting Israel, two top Biden administration officials said Friday. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan, speaking at separate panels during a security forum in Colorado, said the U.S. is watching closely for any signs that Iran made a decision to pursue actual weaponization of its nuclear program. However, Sullivan said, "I have not seen a decision by Iran to move" in a way that signals it has decided to actually develop a nuclear bomb right now. Iran resumed progress on its nuclear program after the Trump administration ended U.S. cooperation with a 2015 deal that gave Iran sanctions relief in return for tougher oversight of the program. (Read more,)


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