Sunday, July 28, 2024

J.D. Vance on Democrats' Anti-Family Policies



Kamala and Prop 47. From Ann Coulter:

Last year, Los Angeles, Oakland and San Francisco topped the list of the U.S. cities with the most retail theft, according to the National Retail Federation. A fourth California city, Sacramento, came in at No. 7. These days, when a customer tries to actually pay for something, the cashier calls the manager.

The shoplifting is so pervasive that, earlier this year, a Target shoplifter strolled out of the store right past Gov. Gavin Newsom. During a CNN report on the rash of thefts in San Francisco, three shoplifters hit the CVS as they were filming. Also good for business: Tourists are warned not to rent cars, because they’ll only be broken into. Drug addicts clog the sidewalks, writhing in their own needles and fecal matter.

How did Harris describe a proposition that would declare open season on the law-abiding? She titled Prop 47 “The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act,” something I cannot even say without doing air quotes. For her next act of breathtaking mendacity, Harris deceived voters about Prop 57, which allowed the early release of thousands of violent criminals, including those convicted of attempted murder, grand theft, child molestation, drug use and possession and drive-by shootings. (Read more.)


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