Saturday, July 13, 2024

Dolly Madison in Old Age

From The Art Newspaper:

The Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery (NPG) has acquired the earliest known photograph of a US First Lady. The quarter-plate daguerreotype of former First Lady Dolley Madison (1768-1849), wife of fourth US president James Madison, dates from around 1846. It joins a host of other early photographic portraits in the NPG's collection, including what is believed to be the earliest photograph of a US president, an 1843 daguerreotype of John Qunicy Adams by Philip Haas, which was acquired by the museum in 2017. The Dolley Madison daguerreotype, made by artist and entrepreneur John Plumbe Jr, shows the trailblazing First Lady when she was in her late seventies. Plumbe, an English immigrant who came to America in 1821, picked up photography professionally around 20 years after his arrival, establishing studios in more than a dozen cities before selling his business in 1847. In addition to his portrait of Madison, he created the earliest extant image of the US Capitol. (Read more.)


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