Thursday, July 4, 2024

They Lied to Us About Everything Else

 From Dr. Zmirak at The Stream:

What else can we do but pray, as Western leaders from the British Tory party to the GOP establishment tap dance in the nuclear minefield that is Ukraine, holding all of our lives in their shaky gamblers’ hands? Anyone, such as Nigel Farage, Tucker Carlson, or Donald Trump, who questions the absolute necessity of risking nuclear war with Russia and fighting to the last Ukrainian man, woman, and child over who controls a few godforsaken provinces on the Dnieper, is demonized and labeled a puppet or a traitor.

In case you still have some faint suspicion that there might be some grain of truth in the Official Line put out by our liberal establishment, just remember how recently and how flagrantly they lied to us about:

  • The need to lock down our countries to slow the spread of a mostly nondeadly virus, which they were spreading among the most vulnerable in nursing homes by dumping COVID patients there.
  • The need for mail-in balloting to keep Americans safe and secure a fair election.
  • Donald Trump engaging in collusion with Russia to steal the 2016 election.
  • Hunter Biden’s laptop being fake “Russian disinformation.”
  • The COVID vax being carefully tested, safe, and essential to save millions of lives.

Shall I go on? I could, you know. (Read more.)


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