Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Pyrrhichios: The Ancient Greek War Dance

 From The Greek Reporter:

Pyrrhichios was the ancient Greek war dance that originated from the mythical Couretes deities, who danced to save the newborn Zeus from the hands of Cronus. The ancient Greek war dance has survived through the ages. It can be traced back to mythology and through to a specific war dance of the Pontic Greeks that continues to be performed traditionally to this day. The dance goes back ages ago and is associated with Zeus, the ruler of all gods.

Hesiod’s epic poem Theogony has been used as the source for Greek mythology. In the poem, Zeus was the son of Cronus and Rhea. Cronus had murdered his father, Uranus, due to the orders of his mother, Gaea, to ascend to the throne of the gods. (Read more.)


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