Saturday, February 17, 2024

A Reflection on the Male-only Priesthood

 From Controversiam:

The primary role of a priest is to administer sacraments and to teach. And to do those things he must serve as a conduit between heaven and earth; he must represent the people to God, and God to the people; he must be a symbol, an icon or prototype, of God's relation to the world and to us—masculine to feminine, begetting (i.e., giving from self without receiving) to receiving, transcendent to immanent, father to child, Christ to the Church. Men by nature are suited to represent and symbolize in these ways; women by nature are not.1

The priest, therefore, does not simply carry out managerial tasks; in a special sense he gives himself up to become another Christ so that Christ might act through him. There is, then, an ontological principle or truth which must be maintained by way of the sign. Whenever he celebrates the mass or gives absolution in the confessional, he is acting in the place of Christ: in persona Christi. A priest truly represents—is deputized to act in the power and place of—our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Thus, the Church has authoritatively spoken on this theological question, including the definitive affirmation by Pope John Paul II that “the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women.”2 (Read more.)

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