Friday, February 2, 2024

A Peasant’s Life in Medieval England

 From The Collector:

Peasants in England were divided into two main classes: Freemen and Serfs. Serfs were bound to labor for the lord (usually three days a week), while freemen had more freedom in the labor they chose to perform. Instead of paying their way through labor, freemen paid rent in taxes. The differences and the rules governing each were complex, and issues were often taken to the courts. Rules also changed according to different regions. There was much mobility between the two groups, as they lived among each other, intermarried, and bore children together. Inheritance of status could be a tricky thing to determine. In some situations, it was a matter of pragmatism for freemen to take up the role of serf. They might receive a better plot of land, with more opportunities, and escape the taxes. While for serfs, there was an opportunity for upward mobility too. (Read more.)


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