Wednesday, July 26, 2023

The Hidden Luxury of Living Frugally

 From Simple Money:

So, why do we choose to spend more than we make? Sure, some people will say it’s just too hard to earn enough money. But most of us could spend less if we really tried. What’s really going on? Everywhere we look, ads tell us we’ll be happier if we spend more. It’s hard to ignore them. The more we make, the more we’re tempted to spend on nicer cars, bigger houses, and luxury vacations. We end up chasing a better life we can’t afford. But living simply and staying out of debt is better than living large and owing money. When you live within your means, you can relax. You don’t live to impress others. You can enjoy the simple things in life. You can teach your family important lessons about money. And you’ll have fewer regrets. (Read more.)


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