Monday, July 31, 2023

The Cultural Revolution Never Ends

 From American Greatness:

Our educational system has made it a policy to banish wisdom and truth in the name of false justice, pseudo-equity and a delusional crusade against biology. Not a decade ago, transgenderism was an odd subculture that existed on the fringe of society, yet unbeknownst to us, all its adherents and acolytes were gaining traction in the halls of higher education and in the minds of the bureaucrats those institutions were pumping out. It is now in the middle of a cultural blitzkrieg that has taken parents and communities completely by surprise.

The propaganda machine has been working full time, coercing children and teenagers in the vulnerability of puberty and adolescence to identify with this “chic” zeitgeist. Over 1 out of 20 people under age 30 in America now identify as transgender or a gender outside of their God-given one, according to Pew Research.

Those who disagree with the new orthodoxy are punished and maligned. A young college student gets a zero on her term paper, a term paper her teacher said was very good, by the way, but the zero was because she wrote the word “woman” on it. This is just one of the litany of abuses that those who deny the “new normal” suffer. The sterilization of children, forced political groupthink, and punishment of dissenters sounds more like Mao’s China than the America of old. (Read more.)

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