Saturday, July 1, 2023

The Devil, You Say

 From Francis X. Maier at The Catholic Thing:

The late Leszek Kolakowski had a lifelong fascination with the nature of evil.  He wrote about the devil in history more than once.  In his essay, “A Stenographic Report of the Devil’s Metaphysical Press Conference in Warsaw, on the 20th of December 1963,” Kolakowski put the following words into the devil’s mouth in speaking to modern Christian theologians:

You have stopped believing in me.  I know all about it, of course.  I know all about it, and it is a matter of complete indifference to me. . . .[And yet,] since when does faith tremble before the ridicule of pagans and heretics?. . .  .You want to be up to date in this world, to give up “fairy tales,” to stride at the front of humanity. . . .[But] what is it that you must renounce in order to win approbation in this world?  The devil?. . . .And do you imagine that this is where the concessions will end?

There comes a moment in Nefarious when the prison’s Catholic chaplain makes a brief appearance.  The demon initially recoils in fear. . .until the priest starts blathering about how the Church has “evolved beyond” belief in devils, thanks to enlightened psycho-social tools.  Later, along unintentionally similar lines, the unbelieving psychiatrist lists all the human advances in knowledge and behavior that today make religion obsolete.  The demon in the human prisoner pauses.  Grins.  And then says, “I think I love you.”

See the film.  Preferably in the daylight.  Preferably with a friend. (Read more.)


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