Today, there are no socially prescribed forms of conduct that help guide young men and women in the direction of matrimony.… People still get married — though later, less frequently, more hesitantly, and, by and large, less successfully. For the great majority, the way to the altar is uncharted territory: It’s every couple on its own bottom, without a compass, often without a goal. Those who reach the altar seem to have stumbled upon it by accident.…Share
Octave-day of Christmas
1 day ago
Relationships, whether they be familial, societal,or global seem to be difficlt for humans to master and will always require ongoing negotiation and compromise. Those who are not willing to commit to this or do not have the skills, will fail.
People are not taught any social skills nowadays.
(Excuse me if I do not have a completely correct English)
Courtship've been replaced by common-law marriage. Today we are living as married, before you actually get married. I do not know if you do so in the U.S., but so is made in Sweden. You get married only when you really know you belong together, not when you move in together. A wiser way I believe ☺
They do that here, too, Carola, but then the divorce rate has also risen dramatically.
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