The saddest fairy tale of them all. (Via
Hermes.) The wicked have always been with us, and the mistreatment of children is nothing new. To quote from
the old ballad:
These pretty babes, with hand in hand,
Went wandering up and down;
But never more they saw the man
Approaching from the town.
Their pretty lips with blackberries
Were all besmear'd and dyed;
And when they saw the darksome night,
They sat them down and cried.
Thus wandered these two pretty babes,
Till death did end their grief;
In one another's arms they dyed,
As babes wanting relief.
No burial these pretty babes
Of any man receives,
Till Robin-redbreast painfully
Did cover them with leaves.
That surely frightened them enough to keep them out of the woods. I had friends who had woods behind their yard and told their kids that there were spiders in the woods in order to keep them from going in. I did not know this and was always one to encourage my kids to be brave, so I told them that spiders were not going to hurt them, then had to undo what I said when I discovered why the parents had done this.
I never knew this fairy tale, although I've heard reference to it in songs and literature. Thanks for the very interesting story.
Happy Feast of St Joseph to you and your dear family!
Yes, I remember, Julygirl!
And to you and yours, Gette!
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