Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Truth Is Hard For National Wildlife Federation Blogger

 From Jan Greenhawk at The Easton Gazette:

Does this look like a beautiful shoreline to you? Does it look like it is a habitat? Does it look like it is protecting the beach from erosion? Does this look like a recreational beach? It's none of those.

It's a far cry from the pictures the National Wildlife Federation put in the blog entry. A visual lie is just as bad as a verbal one as they show Underwood and Associates publicity pics. Oh, by the way, the statement that Underwood and Associates is a "local" firm is also a lie. They are not local to the Eastern Shore, much less Talbot County.

Lie#3: The third lie in the paragraph is where they claim the project "addresses flooding along a crucial local road," Again, the sad truth is that the Strand Road is actually flooding more now than it did before. The two pictures below show flooding after they stopped working on the project. (Read more.)


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