Saturday, September 16, 2023

What Was an Economic Cause of the French Revolution?

 The expenses of the court were almost nothing compared to the huge debt incurred by wars, particularly by the aid given to the Americans. From Investor Times:

What Was an Economic Cause of the French Revolution?

The French Revolution, which lasted from 1789 to 1799, was a period of radical social and political upheaval in France. While there were many causes behind this revolution, one of the key factors was economic instability. The economic conditions prevalent in France at the time created a sense of inequality and hardship among the population, leading to widespread discontent and ultimately, revolution. In this article, we will explore the economic causes of the French Revolution in detail.

The French economy during the late 18th century was burdened by a range of problems. The monarchy’s outdated system of taxation placed a heavy financial burden on the lower classes, while the nobility and the clergy were largely exempt from paying taxes. This regressive tax system led to a significant wealth gap, with the wealthy elites enjoying immense privileges and the lower classes struggling to make ends meet.

Additionally, France was facing a severe economic crisis. The country had accumulated a massive national debt due to costly wars, extravagant court expenses, and a failing agricultural system. King Louis XVI attempted to address this issue by implementing tax reforms and reducing government spending, but these efforts were met with resistance from the nobility and the clergy who opposed any encroachment on their privileges. (Read more.)


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