Tuesday, September 19, 2023

‘Love is Love’: Does God Agree With That?

 From The Stream:

It is easy to manipulate the Bible or even church doctrine to fit anything we want to do. The gay community has ruled out homosexuality as a sin and therefore, the act cannot fall under any judgment for sin. Stating that love is love and that God endorses these actions can never be proved Biblically without personal interpretation. 

Is this the message the Bible actually brings? 

The Bible teaches that God created a male and a female. When He looked at everything He created, He said, “It is very good” (Gen. 1:31). He made no mistakes. He gave no other options or alternatives. He created the female to join with the man in companionship and to continue creation. God designed a man for a union with a woman to replenish the earth with people who would love Him. He did not create another male for the man. He specifically handcrafted a woman to complement the anatomy of the male. Together, the reproductive system would function to continue God’s plan to have people that would enjoy the resources He provided.

 There is no Biblical acceptance or promotion of same-sex relationships. There are only faulty interpretations and perceptions of what the scriptures say to support man’s lust and rebellion. (Read more.)


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