Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Ever Grifting in Uncertainty

 From Kristen van Uden at Catholic Exchange:

In addition to the Woke, Inc. narrative that has overtaken mainstream secular voices, conservative politics & media and the Catholic Faith have become prime targets for the grifter personality. Like lemmings, wannabe influencers all fall into (Party) line on the next pet topic, violating principles they previously held in the all-out race to be heard. (The recent “conservative” media glorification of pornographer Andrew Tate is a disturbing lesson in the politics of grifting.)

Catholic grifters are among the worst breed because they commodify and manipulate the Faith, the source and summit of our lives, the only thing eternal and spotless and true. They are a new generation of moneychangers in the Temple. What may begin as a pious, well-intentioned desire to spread the gospel can easily devolve into a self-serving vanity affair of clout chasing. This is why priests and religious have historically been discouraged from celebrity. All people with public platforms would do well to keep humility in the forefront of their minds, lest they lose sight of God among the clicks and applause (or hate mail). (Read more.)


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