Thursday, September 7, 2023

The Hunt for Ankhesenamun

Wife of Tutankhamun. From Ancient Origins:

Born Ankhesenpaaten in Regnal Year 5 or 6 of the enigmatic Pharaoh Neferkheperure-waenre Akhenaten, this girl would ensure that her family consolidated their hold on the throne against tremendous odds. The third of six daughters of the Heretic and his enchanting wife, Nefertiti; she was probably born in the new capital Akhetaten―‘Horizon of the Aten’ (modern Tell el-Amarna). Ankhesenpaaten was raised in an opulent, but heavily-guarded environment; for in his overweening idealism, her father had dared to annul centuries-old religious beliefs by discarding the pantheon of deities, especially the state god Amun, and proclaimed that there was but one divinity, the Aten―the radiant solar disc. One of the references to Ankhesenpaaten found on Amarna monuments reads King’s daughter of his Body, his beloved Ankhes-en-pa-aten, born of the great royal wife, his beloved, Lady of the Two Lands (Neferneferuaten Nefertiti) . The idyllic, paradisiacal life that the art of that age depicted seems to have been a conscious effort to herald the glories of the monotheistic experiment at Amarna. In reality, however, it was but an astute facade for the terrible inner tumult; and matters would soon plummet inexorably. (Read more.)


The young Queen disappeared from history without a trace, HERE.


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