Saturday, July 2, 2022

Teens Going Trans

 From The Daybreak Daily:

My thesis is rather simple. It’s that there are two prongs of what we nowadays call wokeness, especially as it appears in the school system, in the K-12 school system. One is the critical race theory component. And the other is what has become known as gender ideology.

And so, what I try to do in this piece is to show that these are actually deeply connected, one to the other. And I try to show it more from the perspective of the gender piece. And what I show — and this is based on extensive interviews with parents and parent group leaders, most of them in California, although some of them in other states — is that this phenomenon of teenagers and, in particular, teenage girls coming out as trans or in some cases queer or non-binary, all of these kind of new sexual identity labels, that it actually has a lot to do with messaging that they hear and absorb surrounding race.

And when I tell you my argument, you’re going to probably say, oh, okay, well, that makes perfect sense. But you know, it’s the kind of thing that you really have to dig deep and look into what’s going on on the ground in order to see clearly. And that is that these are young teenagers, very impressionable, most of them are highly intelligent, a little bit socially awkward. This stuff is going on right around the time of puberty when they’re acutely attuned to their social status and how others in their environment judge them and view them. And these teenagers are absorbing all of this messaging about race, about how horrible it is to be white, about how they are oppressors by virtue of being white, and there’s nothing they can do about it. (Read more.)


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