Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Catholic School Enrollment is Falling Fast

 From The Pillar:

The U.S. Catholic school population has been declining for decades, and the pace of that decline was accelerating even before the pandemic began. The pandemic has sharpened declines, but some Catholic leaders see in the crisis a chance to sharpen and showcase the unique offerings of Catholic schools.

A report due to be released Feb. 17 by the National Catholic Educational Association shows that 1,626,291 students are enrolled in Catholic schools in 2021, a decline of more than 111,000 from 2020. The sharpest drop-off came in Catholic preschools, which enrolled 44,000 fewer students in 2021 than they did in 2020.

Between 2010 and 2020, Catholic schools lost an average 38,204 of students per year. But the NCEA data suggests the pace of attrition has sped up over the last decade— between 2019 and 2020, Catholic schools lost 52,066 students. 

The pandemic has hastened the decline. Even if preschoolers were not counted, 66,000 fewer students were enrolled in Catholic schools in 2021 than in 2020. (Read more.)


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