Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Origins of Planned Parenthood

 From John Zmirak at The Stream:

Okay, to summarize so far: An influential strain of Spiritualism, to which Sanger was exposed by her long friendship with Havelock Ellis, taught that pregnant women can mold their unborn children. If women in distress, poverty, or believers in “reactionary” religions such as Christianity have children, those babies will be marked by their negative spirits. Hence the need for eugenics.

But if women of a “superior” sort, in contact with “advanced” spirits reproduce, they can produce a “higher” sort of child. A super-race, if you will. What advanced spirits would in fact be available for such a procedure? Certainly not the angels obedient to God. When occultists summon spirits, spirits often do answer. Ones with names like “Moloch,” “Belial,” and “Mammon.”

This Spiritualist claim makes sense of Sanger’s otherwise murky promises that unleashing our sexual energies can produce a race of virtual gods on earth, inhabiting a worldly paradise. Schwab find an apposite quote of Sanger’s to illustrate this:
When the womb becomes fruitful through the desire of an aspiring love, another Newton will come forth to unlock further the secrets of the earth and the stars. There will come a Plato who will be understood, a Socrates who will drink no hemlock, and a Jesus who will not die upon the cross. These and the race that is to be in America await upon a motherhood that is to be sacred because it is free.
Of course, such power to remake the human race comes at a price. The price is sacrifice, blood-sacrifice of “inferior” children who must be destroyed. Schwab offers more citations to prove this point:
So in a very real sense, in the message of Margaret Sanger, the aborted fetus was a sacrifice that would allow for the manifestation of “new woman”, and the incarnation of an inverted Christ figure. In Woman and the New Race, Sanger openly argues for the universality of infanticide and child sacrifice as “the efforts of the feminine spirit to liberate itself”, literally using Canaanite and pagan Greek societies as an example. She speaks constantly of the peculiar “feminine spirit” whose need for infanticide and fetecide was an implacable expression of its nature. She plays coy, writing of a “secret order” of radicals and repeatedly frames women who have abortions as “martyrs” who were “making a sacrifice”, hinting at the unspoken belief that murder of the fetus is a sacrament.
Which is exactly what the Temple of Satan is asserting today, in formal legal briefs submitted to U.S. courts, claiming that abortion is a religious rite, protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. (Read more.)


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