Monday, May 23, 2022

Propaganda in the Twentieth Century

 From Frank Wright:

The Twentieth Century began with a great vanity, one which continues to this day. It birthed a movement - Modernism - which was the result of the enthusiasm and exhilaration felt at obvious and rapid technological advances conflated with an idea of the elevation of mankind. This is at base the superstition known as Progress, the assumption that as our machines become better, so do we.

We shall see in the course of this piece that the machine of propaganda did indeed get better. Alongside the obvious use of modern art, the successes of the Nazi Party and the striking use of Socialist Realism in the USSR was the development of a tremendous fusion of marketing and the distorted personality cult of psychoanalysis. This unholy amalgam gave us the remarkable career of Edward Bernays, whose methods gave rise to the contemporary system of desire delivery we call the mass media.

The tremendous success of this machinery is to have mechanised human life, organising the selves it manufactured according to its own preferred signals. We are, in essence, positively adjusted to a system of traffic lights. Our inner lives are syncopated by digitised signals. We go and stop and pause on command, and we have no direction without them. (Read more.)


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