Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Why Children Need Minimalism

 From Becoming Minimalist:

I always said, “I am just messy, period.” Like it was some kind of personality trait: MessyClutteredOverwhelmedAnxious.

As a kid 30 years ago, I needed minimalism. But today…for my kids? Minimalism is essential.

I grew up in the time before Amazon and one-click ordering. This was the time before snack-catchers existed for children to carry around snacks and mindlessly eat around the clock. The time before kids needed iPads hanging over their carseats to survive a trip. The time before you could get virtually anything on television at a moment’s notice.

The kids of today need minimalism more than ever. 

Childhood of today is beyond messy and cluttered. It’s chaotic. Research shows us the way we are raising kids in America today causes stress and anxiety to overwhelm both children and parents alike.  As parents, we have so much going on that we have resorted to “convenience parenting” to hold it all together. If your kids won’t sit down for a meal, there’s a device for that. If your kids won’t ride quietly in the car, there’s an app for that.

As parents, we just try to survive. We struggle to hold it all together. Because it’s consuming. It’s heavy. (Read more.)


1 comment:

julygirl said...

They require more outdoor time and assistance in creative activities. Parents of today have no more "going on" than parents in the past. Raising children from time immemorial is a joy, a responsibility, and often a burden.