Friday, March 19, 2021

The Racism of Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood

 From Life News:

What would you do if you found out an American business was killing defenseless black lives for profit? What would you do if you found out this business located 79% of its killing centers, disproportionately, in black neighborhoods? What would you do if you found out that the majority of its advertising appeared in poorer African-American neighborhoods, just as the alcohol and tobacco industries have done for decades? What would you do if that same business declared that black mothers are safer if they have their children killed rather than birth them?

That business is Planned Parenthood. For over 100 years, it has worked hard to make black people history. It failed to do so with its original Negro Project, promoting the lie that birth control would eliminate poverty. Many leaders in the black community knew racism when they saw it. Fannie Lou Hamer knew it. The voting rights and anti-poverty activist, who was “sick and tired of being sick and tired”, fought against Planned Parenthood. Hamer was a prolife adoptive mother who had been forcibly sterilized in 1961 in Mississippi. She understood freedom was not in a birth control pill or in the forceps of an abortionist. From her speech “America is a Sick Place and Man is on the Critical List”, she summed up her feelings about eugenics: “So we got all kinds of children, and I’ll tell you the next thing that I don’t buy, I don’t buy distributing [the] birth control pill and legalizing abortion, because they’re talking about us! If you want to abortionize somebody, do it to yourself because I’m going to try to keep the children.”

Efforts to severely reduce or eliminate births in poorer black communities was the goal of the American Eugenics movement, led by the most prominent eugenicist—Margaret Sanger. In a day and age when liberals are triggered by historical statues and what those figures represented, they’re conveniently selective in their outrage. Sanger advocated forced sterilizations, said birth control was the “process of weeding out the unfit, of preventing the birth of defectives or of those who will become defective”, and launched the world’s most powerful population control business that practices an even more violent form of eugenics, today, than in her time. Even Sanger, in her typical duplicitous way, denounced abortion.

So, which Margaret Sanger does Planned Parenthood—the leader killer of black lives—celebrate? The birth control crusader who believed she was ridding the world of “defectives”? The racist who boasted of keynoting a Ku Klux Klan rally about the “benefits” of birth control? The elitist who used her oil tycoon husband’s wealth (so much for patriarchy) to push her eugenics agenda? Or the hypocrite who declared in her Birth Control Review: “While there are cases where even the law recognized an abortion as justifiable if recommended by a physician, I assert that the hundreds of thousands of abortions performed in America each year are a disgrace to civilization.” (Read more.)


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