Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Lincoln Project’s Predator

 From The American Conservative:

Weaver ended up calling him after midnight during the student’s finals week, claiming he was away from his wife on a work trip. According to the student, Weaver had been drinking but continued to ask about his studies and career ambitions. Weaver abruptly changed topics and asked if he played sports and was athletic. The Lincoln Project co-founder followed up by asking about his height and weight. At this point, the student became uncomfortable and said when asked about his build, he said he was “about average.” Weaver responded, “oh my boy, I’m sure certain parts of you are well above average.”

The student told him he needed to study and abruptly ended the conversation. Weaver would call him later on that night and several times over the next few weeks, but the student blocked his number and his social media.

Over the summer, the story on Weaver’s predatory actions had multiple setbacks as victims dropped out, claiming they feared it would hurt their future job prospects. Without someone willing to go on record, the story was dead. Publications wouldn’t touch it because of fear that they’d be sued.

As the story was developing, Weaver was continuing his predation. At nine AM on May 26th 2020, Weaver messaged a 21-year-old man who just came off doing a media hit. Weaver said, “I love your voice [Redacted].” He responded, “thank you. I appreciate what the Lincoln Project is doing!” To which Weaver answered, “And I appreciate you, my boy.” Shortly after this exchange, Weaver blocked him from Twitter. He later interned for the Lincoln Project. (Read more.)

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