Thursday, January 28, 2021

Joe Biden and the Death of Free Speech

 From The American Conservative:

The Washington Post, a bellwether of the media’s adulation of the new president, had no problem with silencing dissent. Its report on the issue was headlined, “In closing Mall, officials try to strike a balance between the First Amendment and securing Biden’s inauguration.” The “balance” was achieved by suspending the First Amendment on the most important protest day on the American calendar.

The Post noted that only one protest would occur during the Biden inauguration “with about five demonstrators manning a video screen, tucked away near Union Station, along a secure perimeter, surrounded by largely vacant D.C. streets.” Amazingly, the Post portrayed this as proof that the First Amendment had survived: “D.C. and federal officials reached a compromise. They said the plan allows the city’s tradition as the nation’s preeminent stage for protest and free-speech gatherings to continue.”

The federal government dictated so many restrictions on protests that almost all the groups that planned to demonstrate threw in the towel. But that didn’t deter federal officials from taking a victory lap. National Park Service spokesman Mike Litterst declared, “When the government is under assault, that’s especially a time you do not want to appear to be denying civil liberties or denying people their rights under the First Amendment.” (Read more.)


1 comment:

julygirl said...

The hypocrisy is so obvious...any upheaval caused by 'Right Wing' forces is considered 'Domestic Terrorism', but ignored, overlooked and denied when stemming from the Left. 6 months of rioting, burning, general terror and destruction of property in various cities throughout the Country was overlooked and in the minds of the Left, never happened.