Monday, August 24, 2020

Black Conservative Declares War on Baltimore Democrats

 From Todd Starnes:

 Klacik, who lives in Baltimore, is running as a Republican for the seat that was vacated by Rep. Elijah Cummings, who died in October after longstanding health issues. “I said, ‘You know what, if I’m going to walk the walk and talk the talk, I’m going to have to get out there and actually get my hands dirty and maybe try to bring some change and some positive impact to the area,’” she said.

She knows the city. She said she has been operating a non-profit for the past eight years that aims to help women secure jobs. The organization has had success stories but one of the challenges in the area is that there are simply no career opportunities, she said.

She said the issue demanded more attention than it has received in the past because residents in the area may graduate college or high school and there is no place to work. She said correcting that issue could solve a lot of the city’s problems.

Klacik pointed out some fundamental issues in the district. She said topics as simple as sanitation can have a major impact on cities, and pointed to how the city used to only respond to only five percent of garbage pickup calls in that area, compared to 100 percent of the calls to other middle-class neighborhoods. She also said there has been no accountability for the billions in federal funding the city receives.

“Someone, in office, is obviously leveraging the urban struggles to get these funds and then it’s just disappearing,” she said. “So at some point in time, somebody has to get into that seat and find out where that money’s going.” (Read more.)


From The Washington Free Beacon:

Baltimore Republican congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik called out former first lady Michelle Obama Wednesday for fashioning herself as a victim in spite of her immense wealth and fame.


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