Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Return of Calling Cards

They are practical tools of social interaction, an easy way to pass on one's blog and website information.
In the era of LinkedIn, Facebook, vCards and BlackBerrys, the idea of a calling card may seem quaint, and 12 months into a full-on recession it could seem like an exercise in snobbery. But it shouldn't, says Peter Post, director of the Emily Post Institute and coauthor of "The Etiquette Advantage in Business." "My instant reaction isn't: 'Oh, that's pretentious,' " he said. "It's: 'Oh, that's considerate.' Someone is providing information to you in a way that makes it easy to take in and utilize -- and in a way that's memorable."

(Via Emily Post) Share


Lucy said...

Hello. I went to the link you posted, maybe it's just me, but I'm still not sure I understand the difference between a calling card and a business card. What is the difference?

elena maria vidal said...

A business card has strictly business-related information, whereas a calling card is more personalized, with one's blog, Facebook or Twitter info on it. A calling card is more expressive of the individual, rather than representing a business. Some people say that the calling card is the new business card.

Lucy said...

Hmm, interesting- I guess it sounds more informal and more representative of who the person is rather than what she does. thanks.