Somehow in the course of the last fifty years, tea-time has come to be seen as belonging to the domain of the wealthy and privileged. How odd this is, since "high tea" was at one time the principle evening meal for working class and middle class families, "low tea" being comparable to an afternoon snack. Yes, tea parties can be formal affairs, but tea-time can also be a cozy gathering of family and a few close friends. Sometimes, it is pleasant to talk to people face-to-face, rather than merely on the phone or over the internet. Unfortunately, so much of our human relations are focused on the computer or television. At tea-time, it is nice to turn off the television, close up the lap-top, and give our undivided attention to those whom we like and love. At tea-time, the emphasis is on the conversation rather than on the food, unlike regular meal times.
Here are some instructions on how to arrange the tea table. Invitations are mentioned but it is possible for friends to gather informally.
Here is a selection from the writings of the original Emily Post concerning tea parties. According to Mrs. Post: "A 'tea,' even though it be formal, is nevertheless friendly and inviting. One does not go in 'church' clothes nor with ceremonious manner; but in an informal and every-day spirit, to see one’s friends and be seen by them." Mrs. Post provides detailed advice on how to arrange the table, HERE. Very entertaining, in a quaint sort of way; Emily Post's book has recently been updated to fit modern situations, which is helpful as well.
The art of mannered conversation has been lost. I pray it's not too late to bring it back.
Yes, that's where the tea parties come in!
there is a wonderful, wonderful children's book coming out (it will be a few months) that centers around the elegant Mrs. Post...have seen the artwork, it is heavenly...think you will enjoy!
lovely post with Post, thank you!
When I was little, my grandmother used to gather the family in the late afternoons for merienda.
That's very interesting. Some nuns that I knew did that, too. They had tea immediately after siesta.
Thank you, Victoria. I'll have to add that book to my store!
It's wonderful get-together time; whether it be with your family or with friends. I love your section on Emily Post. She always did stress that manners is more about how you make others feel comfortable- and I think tea time is meant precisely for that; comforting time together. Thanks Elena.
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