Arise, be enlightened, O Jerusalem: for thy light us come....And the gentiles shall walk in thy light, and kings in the brightness of thy rising....All they from Saba shall come, bringing gold and frankincense, and showing forth praise to the Lord. (Isaias 60, 1-6)Here is a quote on the Epiphany from Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen's Divine Intimacy:
A star often appears in the heaven of our souls; it is the inspiration from God, clear and intimate, urging us to greater generosity and calling us to a life of closer union with Him. Like the Magi, we too must always follow our star with faith, promptness and selfless generosity. If we allow it to guide us, it will certainly lead us to God; it will bring us to the One whom we are seeking.
The Magi did not give up their quest, although the star- at one point- disappeared from their sight. We should follow their example and their perseverance, even when we are in interior darkness. This is a trial of faith which is overcome only by the exercise of pure, naked faith. I know that He wills it, I know that God is calling, and this suffices for me: Scio cui credidi et certus sum (2 Timothy 1:12); I know whom I have believed. No matter what happens, I shall trust Him. (Divine Intimacy, pp. 122-123)
Abbot Gueranger discusses the mystery of the Magi, HERE.
(Artwork: Journey of the Magi, 1902 by James Tissot) Share
Happy Feast of Epiphany, Elena.
Our priest gave a beautiful Epiphany sermon on seeking true wisdom which is divine light that illuminates our understanding. Through God we come to know ourselves as we are. And come to know God as He is.
By following the example of the Magi, we have to bow down in humility, at the presence of the supreme surprise...the humility of God...who would come to us as a child, not forcing himself upon us.
Come and adore and bend the knees of our hearts.
Elena...Great minds think alike! If you get chance, check out my blog from this morning.
I also LOVE the scripture verse "Arise...O Jerusalem! Your light has come!" It really struck me when I read it and I keep going back to it...Theresa
I haven't seen anything by Tissot in quite a long time. Nice choice. By the way, I know you're a fan of great art; I came across this site last month and spent hours sifting through the images, most I've never seen before - http://artinconnu.blogspot.com/
It appears to be defunct and the owner doesn't reply to emails but it's a great resource while it lasts.
Happy Epiphany Feast. I'm actually off with my kids right now for a late morning liturgy at our Parish. Have a great day.
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