Biographer Clare Tschudi describes what it was like to have tea with Marie-Antoinette at Petit Trianon. People who expected grandeur were surprised at the simplicity of the Queen's private retreat.
Here is another description from Marie-Antoinette: The Woman and the Queen by Sarah Tytler and Henrietta Keddie
Lovely print--I wish it was in color!
By the way, there were irregularly scanned pages from the Tschudi book.
Yes, wouldn't it be lovely! Yes, I noticed some of the book is not scanned corrrectly but the page I linked to is OK.
Wonderful ! I would have liked to sip tea and walk in the gardens at Petite Trianon . It seems so peaceful ... Thank-you for posting this. :D
Petite Trianon must have been beautiful.
Yes, it was. It still is....
Thank you for this so beautiful passage, dear Elena Maria Vidal... And thanks for quoting Edmund Burke too. We all think of our queen so much for the moment...
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