Saturday, February 22, 2025

Germany Needs to Bury Hitler

 From First Things:

Unfortunately, the supposedly “moderate” political establishment in Germany has become the engine of extremism. Those who believe that the AfD represents the danger of fascist resurrection—which is to say the entire state leadership, the big media, large sections of the middle and upper classes—must do everything in their power to destroy the political influence of the AfD. This mentality will justify extra-democratic means to “save democracy.” 

Present-day Germany is a large ship whose engines are stuttering. To get them to run again, Germany’s deep internal division must be overcome. Here’s one place to start: Recognize that the present struggle need not be Manichean. There are two forms of national consciousness or nationalism in Germany. The rising popularity of the AfD indicates a growing resistance against negative national feeling and a desire to move beyond the nation’s fixation on 1933. The negative vision, which insists on continued German self-criticism, is also a type of nationalism. It is nationalism from the left that promotes German leadership in the quest for a post-national, globalist future. These are quite different visions of Germany. Why can’t voters choose between them without stigma?

To allow for this possibility, it would be necessary first to bury Hitler. But even to propose this first step triggers national hysteria. The negative fixation on Hitler and National Socialism paralyzes German elites and makes them incapable of overseeing a democratic debate about the future of Germany. (Read more.)


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