Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Pius VI: Quare Lacrymae

Louis XVI by Johann Heinrich Schmidt

The Sovereign Pontiff explains why both Louis XVI and his ancestress Mary Queen of Scots can be considered Catholic martyrs, for ultimately they were killed out of hatred for the Faith. From The Josias:

Quare Lacrymae is mainly concerned with showing that King Louis XVI’s death was a martyrdom. Pius VI can appeal to Louis XVI’s moving last will and testament, but in order to prove the point he has to show that the cause of his death was odium fidei. In order to prove this, Pope Pius argues that the main thrust of the revolution was against the Catholic religion. In the course of his argument he makes a bold claim about the connection between Calvinism and Enlightenment philosophy—anticipating in certain respects recent arguments by the likes of Brad Gregory. (Read more.)


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