Monday, January 8, 2024

The Marquis de Sade and the Power of Ideas

 Sade was imprisoned by King Louis XVI for the sexual abuse of women and children. From Breakpoint:

Some took these ideas further than others. In 1789, a few days before a mob stormed the Bastille prison in Paris, one of its longtime prisoners was transferred to a mental asylum. In his cell, he left a manuscript that would eventually be published under the title 120 Days of Sodom. The author was the infamous Marquis de Sade. 

De Sade thought his novel to be the “most impure tale ever written.” It depicted graphic scenes of sexual violence, torture, and murder. It was also, to the utter horror of de Sade’s contemporaries and modern historians, semi-autobiographical. De Sade spent most of his life in prison or mental asylums because of his crimes against vulnerable young women and men, and his name is the source of our modern word “sadism.” 

More than an awful story, his book was a philosophical proposal. While Enlightenment philosophers such as Voltaire and Diderot denied the existence of God, they still defended many distinctly Christian virtues, including the goodness of self-sacrifice and the dignity of the poor. De Sade, on the other hand, did not share these philosophical inconsistencies. According to author and pastor Andrew Wilson in his book Remaking the World: How 1776 Created the Post-Christian West, de Sade simply had “no time” for Christian morality: 

[De Sade] thought we should admit that there is no natural basis whatsoever for loving other people, forgiving them, or showing compassion. “The doctrine of loving one’s neighbor is a fantasy that we owe to Christianity and not to Nature,” [de Sade] explained. Virtue, likewise, is “just a way of behaving that varies according to climate and consequently has nothing real about it.”  

A century after de Sade, another philosopher described in stark clarity what a world without God would look like. In his Parable of the Madman, Friedrich Nietzsche described the death of God as “unchaining this earth from its sun.” In terms of personal morality, the Marquis de Sade got there first. Like Nietzsche, he was willing to explore the realities of his evil ideas in practice.  

Though even the most radical sexual revolutionaries today would hesitate to claim de Sade as their intellectual forefather, they must. Before Darwin, he embraced a world where the strongest survive and most brutal thrive. Before the sexual revolution, he explored sex as only a means of pleasure, with no regard for the dignity of people or their bodies. His disgusting depictions of torture foreshadowed the horrifying medical experiments that would be performed by the Nazis in the twentieth century. His open hatred for Christianity (he called Jesus “a scoundrel, a lecher, a showman who performed crude tricks”) anticipated an argument common today that Christianity is not only anti-intellectual and anti-rational, but plain evil.  

For de Sade, freedom was pure license without the constraints or consequences of morality or even, for that matter, biology. This is only thinkable in a world without God, and therefore a world without any design or moral order. Those who argue for such a world have neither cause nor moral means by which to denounce the despicable behavior of de Sade or, for that matter, of Jeffrey Epstein and the men exposed when court documents were unsealed earlier this week. (Read more.)


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