Monday, January 15, 2024

The Anarchy: A True Cousins’ War

 From Historia:

Henry gave Stephen land in England and arranged his marriage to Matilda of Boulogne, the niece of his late wife, Matilda of Scotland. Through her grandmother, the sainted Margaret of Wessex, Queen of Scotland, Matilda of Boulogne could trace her lineage back to Alfred the Great, King of Wessex. Matilda was the only child and sole heiress of her father, Eustace III, Count of Boulogne. Stephen became one of the most powerful men at Henry’s court.

However, events in Germany in 1125 meant that Henry could again think of seeing his own blood succeed him. The emperor died, and Henry recalled his daughter, Empress Matilda, to England. He recognised her as his heir, had all the barons swear to uphold her succession – twice, just to be sure. At the first such oath-swearing, in 1126, Stephen jostled with Henry I’s illegitimate son, Robert, Earl of Gloucester, to be the second secular lord, after King David of Scotland, to take the oath – though whether they were vying for prominence or politely ceding precedence is open to question. (Read more.)


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