Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Fomorians

The Sidhe riding to defeat the Fomorians

 From Ancient Origins:

The origins of the Fomorians are also uncertain, though many sources mention that they arrived in Ireland on ships. In some sources, they are described as having dark skin and dark hair, thus leading to the speculation that the Fomorians sailed all the way to Ireland from Africa or Asia. In other sources, the Fomorians are painted as grotesque abominations. One account, for example, depicts them as having only one eye, one leg, and one arm, whilst another portrays them as having the bodies of human beings, but with the heads of goats. It may be mentioned, however, that good-looking Fomorians may also be found in the ancient sources. One of these, for example, is Elatha, a king of the Fomorians, who was described as handsome and golden-haired. It may be added that Elatha was also different from the other Fomorians in terms of personality. Elatha is described in Irish mythology as being interested in justice. For example, when his son, Bres, wanted to go to war with the Tuatha Dé Danann, another supernatural race, Elatha refused to join him, as he reckoned that the cause for war was unjust. By contrast, other Fomorians are portrayed as warlike and blood-thirsty. In general, stories say the Fomorians took pleasure in waging war, and when they conquered other races, they would proceed to enslave them. This happened, for instance, to the Nemeds, who attempted to invade Ireland after the Fomorians. This happened as well to the Tuatha Dé Danann during the reign of Bres. The oppressive rule of this king resulted in the Second Battle of Mag Tuired, during which the Tuatha Dé Danann succeeded in freeing themselves from the tyranny of Bres. (Read more.)


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