Monday, March 21, 2022

The Lost City of Thinis

 From Ancient Origins:

Thinis was a city of the ancient Egyptian civilization. Whilst Thinis and its alternative, This, were the Greek names of the city, the ancient Egyptians knew it as Tjenu. This city once served as the capital of ancient Egypt during the Early Dynastic Period. The existence of Thinis is attested by ancient authors, such as Manetho, widely believed to have been an Egyptian priest who lived during the Ptolemaic period. Reference to Thinis is made also in religious texts, such as certain spells found in the The Book of Going Forth by Day (better known as the Book of the Dead ). In spite of references to this city in the literary sources, the exact location of Thinis is still unknown, and therefore remains a great mystery amongst archaeologists and Egyptologists. As a result of this, Thinis is often called a ‘lost city.' (Read more.)

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