Saturday, March 5, 2022

Poor Dr. Fauci!

 From Karen Hunt:

Perhaps Anthony Fauci truly believes he is saving the world. Perhaps he can easily sit at the head of the dinner table on Sundays and look around at his family with satisfaction, assured that he will leave behind a legacy as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, medical men in history.

Fauci’s mentor was a man named Sheldon Wolf, who gave him his first job at the NIH. Wolf encouraged Fauci to explore the things he was most curious about. The WSJ article, The Mentor Who Made Dr. Fauci describes how “Fauci chose a rare inflammatory disease with a 100% fatality rate and went searching for inspiration. He found it two floors away. NIH researchers upstairs were testing immunosuppressive drugs on cancers, and Fauci tried experimenting with low doses on his patients. It was highly unorthodox. It was also highly effective. This pioneering use of anti-cancer drugs for a non-cancerous disease was essentially its cure.

“I’ve always wanted to be involved with diseases that were very, very serious,” Fauci once said. “I would rather be involved with patients who have fatal diseases than those with diseases that are just an annoyance. That just happened to be my bent. I wanted to be where the action was.” (Read more.)

1 comment:

julygirl said...

He should have stayed hidden away in his laboratory, because once he found prominence in the public arena of politics and science he became enamored with it...and politics is a 'slippery slope' which even the most experienced can find themselves slipping to the bottom.