Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Mark Steyn Discusses the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

 From The Last Refuge:

The first white horse, pestilence (virus); the second red horse, war (Ukraine); the third black horse, famine (fertilizer shortage); and the final horse, death.

Stunningly, in this monologue Mark Steyn takes a tour reminding viewers of the past two years of western government action, while connecting the corporate mandates from the World Economic Forum.  That outline is brave considering the mention of the totalitarian shift amid New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Europe, and the United States when attached to the WEF is normally a third rail of discussion.

However, Steyn doesn’t stop at pointing out the hypocrisy of the collective west in their current drumbeat against Vladimir Putin; instead, he takes the last few years, puts in a deep breath, and then connects it… to the world’s most popular history book. (Read more.)



Nancy Reyes said...

This article in the Phil Inquirer https://opinion.inquirer.net/150199/time-for-consumers-to-grow-their-own-food
notes that the cost of growing is going up and that it is so bad that some farmers might just not plant this year.
my step son who now runs our (organic) farm notes that the prices are so high that he probably won't make a profit.
covid has caused a lot of unemployment, and now the food prices will probably soar, and if farmers stop planting, famine will follow.

elena maria vidal said...

True. May God have mercy.