Monday, March 21, 2022

‘The Darkest Time In My Life’

 From The Daily Wire:

People who formerly began gender transition procedures flooded social media with their de-transition stories on “DeTrans Awareness Day,” sharing stories of depression, anxiety, and fear.

The testimonies come amidst national controversy over whether children should be able to obtain such procedures. In Texas, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has drawn fire for calling transgender treatments for children “child abuse.”

Twitter users who spoke out Saturday said that they began taking testosterone as soon as they turned 18. These users, many of whom are biological women, describe how they did not feel that they “fit in” in high school or middle school and sought to find answers on the internet.

“I started taking testosterone at 18 because i was tired of not fitting in with other girls so thought i’d make a better man instead,” tweeted user Allie. “An autism diagnosis later and it all makes sense now.”

Allie, who does not use her last name to preserve her privacy, told The Daily Wire that “there’s a big problem right now with how hormonal therapy is being given as a rushed treatment for gender dysphoria in young people.” (Read more.)

From First Things:

While trans-affirming feminists rule the airwaves and shut down all dissent, and while politicians like Dodds talk and talk and yet say nothing, real women’s rights are neglected and damaged. Trans ideology robs women of their history and takes male privilege to a whole new level—all in the name of women’s rights. Like the idea that pornography liberates women, transgender theory is arguably one of the most effective male confidence tricks in recent history: Nothing that women can lay claim to as women is now off-limits for men. Hugh Hefner once declared that Playboy was good for women, to which Fr. Richard John Neuhaus responded, “As long as women know what they are good for.” Today, the progressive lobby presents trans rights as good for women, to which I might respond, “As long as women have no idea what a woman is.” 

But the trans revolution goes far beyond allowing adult men to don the cloak of female victimhood: It is enabling the state-sanctioned abuse of children. We have had plagues of body dysmorphia before, most notoriously the anorexia and bulimia scourges of the late twentieth century. The difference is that those dysmorphias were seen for what they are: harmful conditions whose victims need love and care. Doctors and politicians worked hard to help the victims and enable them to flourish. Today, the latest form of body dysmorphia—rapid-onset gender dysphoria—is fueled by extremely wealthy lobby groups with a vested interest in identity politics. Backed by a medical establishment for whom ethics is little more than a supine acceptance of technological possibilities, and enabled by a political class that lacks a moral backbone, these groups are shaping the country’s pediatric care. And the cost will be catastrophically high. (Read more.)



julygirl said...

There was a piece aired on PBS television glorifying the first woman to sing in a man's role at the Metropolitan it turned out the 'woman' was a biological male!! That is an example of how skewed the views of pro-trans ideology is.

elena maria vidal said...
