Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Cult of Abortion Under Biden

 From George Neumayr at The American Spectator:

No major Democratic leader these days would dare call for abortion to be “rare.” The unapologetic rhetoric that Alexander Sanger, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Merle Hoffman urged the party to adopt has become its norm.

They must have been pleased by Democratic celebrity Uma Thurman’s recent column in which she asserted that getting an abortion made her a better mother. “I have no regrets for the path I have traveled,” she wrote. “The abortion I had as a teenager was the hardest decision of my life, one that caused me anguish then and that saddens me even now, but it was the path to the life full of joy and love that I have experienced. Choosing not to keep that early pregnancy allowed me to grow up and become the mother I wanted and needed to be.”

The abortion cult under Biden rests on this brutal utilitarianism that treats the unborn child as a sacrificial lamb. It is bad enough that the “Catholic” Biden considers this cult sacred while rejecting the sacred teachings of his church. But to make matters even worse, he wants all Americans to pay for the cult, with the burnt incense of taxes. (Read more.)


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