The truth is, though, that the feminist zealots determined to wage this dialectical male-privilege gender struggle are but a small group of privileged women. They occupy positions of extraordinary power and influence and, under the gaze of the media, pretend to speak for all women.Share
Nothing could be further from the truth. Just as the majority of MPs are grossly out of touch with the people on Brexit, these ‘feminist’ MPs and Parliamentary staff are grossly out of touch with the majority of British women, only 7 per cent of whom would describe themselves as feminists. Many of the rest are horrified by the apparently self-serving obsession of some of the privileged women to have found their way to the top of the Parliamentary tree.
The danger now is that those in charge of Parliamentary discipline will capitulate to knee-jerk solutions. Engulfed by the media storm, they feel they have to do something – anything – to signal to the baying, illiberal progressive media that they are not dinosaurs. Under pressure to say that they are ‘taking steps to ensure this will never happen again’, they appear too afraid to tell the truth: that the reaction has been hysterical, out of proportion; that conflating flirtation and behavioural lapses with serious harassment and assault risks trivialising the latter. (Read more.)
The Glory of St. Joseph
1 day ago
The "baying, (I prefer to call it the 'braying' as in donkey), liberal, left wing media is putting pressure on the rest of us to succumb to the twists and exaggerations of the truth rather than be labeled ignorant, racist dolts. I resist anyone who tries to steer us into becoming a genderless, borderless society.
My concern though is that some people will throw out the baby with the bathwater. I am glad for what the suffragettes fought for us to have. The far left feminists don't speak for me, but neither do folks who wish to turn the clock back to a time before women could vote.
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