Gentlemen will not get together in groups to the neglect of the ladies.Share
In ascending a staircase with ladies, go at their side or before them.
Ladies may walk unattended in the streets, being careful to pass on as becomes their station—neither with a hurried pace, nor yet affecting to move slowly. Be careful not to observe to narrowly the dresses of such ladies as may pass you.
In receiving guests, your first object should be to make them feel at home. Begging them to make themselves at home is not sufficient.
If you have been once in company with an idle person, it is enough. You need never go again. You have heard all he knows.
Never nod to a lady in the street, neither be satisfied with touching your hat, but take it off—it is a courtesy her sex demands.
For a man to go into the street with a lady on his arm and a cigar in his mouth is a shocking sight, which no gentleman will ever be guilty of exhibiting; for he inevitably subjects the woman to the very worst of suspicions.
No gentleman will stand in the doors of hotels, nor on the corners of the streets, gazing impertinently at the ladies as they pass. (Read entire article.)
Novena to St. Joseph
5 days ago
I love reading etiquette guides from long ago! Another great tip from that article is, "In private, watch your thoughts; in your family, watch your temper; in society, watch your tongue." That one's good for ladies too; and advice that is ageless, as true today as it was then.
And I love "Never read in company." The updated version would probably be, "Never read text messages in company!"
Great points, Georgette!
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