"Patriotism is not enough, I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone." Last words Edith Cavell .Share
Although The Story of Nurse Edith Cavell happened in the year after the beginning of the First World War one can barely read a history of the war with out coming across her name. Her death by firing squad was used by the Allies to advantage for propaganda.
The opening days of the First World War saw the Belgians almost overrun. With the occupation of the cities, anything of value that could be moved was. As the population of Belgium and France fled from the invading Germans, with cities almost deserted, one who stayed behind was...
Edith Cavell (1865-1915) was a British nurse serving in Belgium who was executed on a charge of assisting Allied prisoners to escape during World War One. (Read entire post.)
Novena to St. Joseph
5 days ago
Thanks for your gracious lonk to my post. Richard
Very interesting and so tragic. Thanks for sharing.
It was exaggerated in Allied propaganda, but there WAS plenty of real cruelty during the German invasion of Belgium in World War I, including massacres of civilians and sacking of towns. The King was afraid they were going to destroy Brussels.
I agree! It was awful for the Belgian people!
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