I have felt a need for this book ever since I published my first book in 2007, "Noise: How Our Media Saturated Culture Dominates Lives and Dismantles Families." In my research I began to see how women were being targeted by advertisers, programmers, and Hollywood to accept a certain lifestyle, one contrary not only to Church teaching but to common decency and, frankly, common sense.Share
Although women have made great strides, the onslaught of pornography, the promotion of sexual promiscuity, the push for contraception and abortion on demand have led to women being more objectified than ever before. This research, plus my own experience in being caught up in the culture, combined with countless conversations I have had with other women, are among the many reasons I felt I had to write "Extreme Makeover."
This book is filled with research concerning the many issues that affect women, including the connection between abortion and breast cancer, side effects of contraception, the latest statistics on sexually transmitted diseases, eating disorders, body image, and the testimonies of reverts and converts. I also give women hope and show them how the Church is a big "yes" and not a big "no." We have also included a spiritual makeover with really good suggestions on how to have true joy and be beautiful inside and out. (Read entire article.)
Novena to St. Joseph
5 days ago
If one takes into consideration the basic mating process in nature....the woman IS the object. Herein lies the conundrum.
A modern writer put it so well when she observed that all the sex revolution of the 70's did was put a lot of hookers out of work.
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