Sunday, April 3, 2011


I've rarely seen anything so depraved. Parisienne Farmgirl gives a scathing social commentary. Share


anothertwocents said...

This would never happen in a Muslim country!

elena maria vidal said...

No, because they marry them when they're ten years old which is not a good idea either......

Julygirl said...

It would not happen here either if we had police driving around in open trucks and jumping out to 'billy club' a female whom they deem to be dressed in an immodest way.

In a Democracy we have to take the good side and the down side of freedom.

lara77 said...

Why the rush to destroy the innocence of childhood? I am repulsed by this overt sexuality themed clothing for children; it is disgusting. We have enough perverts walking the streets without tantalizing them further!!

elena maria vidal said...

So true, Lara.....